Thursday 6 January 2011

Existing horror poster and magazine covers

As part of my A2 coursework we had to design a poster and magazine cover for our trailer.
Looking at existing horror film posters and magazine covers, i have found that elements which are very common in horror film poster. However for the magazine cover i found that man and woman are portrayed differently on magazine covers. Here are some examples of this:

Both actors are promoting similar types of films, but they are portrayed in completely different ways. The character that Hugh Jackman plays is a strong character, so is the role that Halle Berry takes on but the cover doesn't show her as cat woman but as an actress whereas Hugh jackman is shown as wolverine his character. It seems they when woman are on the front cover of a magazine promoting a feel magazines use sex appeal to act tract audiences, evidence of this can be found with actresses such as Megan fox and Angelina Jolie. Looking at the wolverine cover Hugh Jackman is his character and the cover is more about the film, this is similar with actors promoting film such as Danial Craig who is Jame Bond on the cover. From these examples it seen that magazines use woman and men completely differently to attract audience.

Horror Posters

These posters have many similarities, firstly both have woman on the cover and they both have a white glow then which seen to suggest a kind of purity especially in the orphanage as she is holding a child. Also they they is a sense of the unknown and the idea that someone is trying to find to in both posters, on the orphanage there are arms trying to get to her and on the Eden lake poster there are figures in the background. Both posters are dark with a hint of red on them, this may resemble life lost in the films as people to die in both films. I thought both posters were effective because they give an element of what the film is about but don't give to much away.

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